Working together makes all the difference

With tens of thousands of business transactions happening every day in Simcoe County, local businesses have the ability to greatly impact lives through Spaulding School of The Arts and our business partnership program.

Here’s How it Works:

Your local business connects to Spaulding School of The Arts by committing to contribute a dollar value from every transaction made through your business for a set period of time. We will in-kind give you exposure through our school opportunities roughly matching the value of the contribution given.  Promotions can include but are not limited to our website, social media, mailing lists, community events and media exposures. This win-win scenario offers your business greater exposure in our community, while we of course gain directly from your benevolent contributions to our vision and the youth in our region.

Tax incentives through our Not For Profit partner may also be facilitated with this plan. 

To solidify the process, we will need your corporate branding material, and we will also provide you with flags, posters, bumper stickers or whatever you choose in order to share your pride in your contribution to our cause.

We look forward to starting this incredible mutually-beneficial relationship with you as soon as possible.

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